Post - 3
2021-02-19 00:36 CST
I know I've been inactive here, but I don't know how 22 days slipped from beneath me.

      The complex history of the Sexy Seven became too overwhelming to cram into one post. Archiving and properly documenting our history could take months; months that I don't have. So it's unlikely that its history can be thoroughly and accurately filled out for a long time. I can provide a brief cover, but it wouldn't be as credible as I'd like.

      College hasnDe't been difficult or anything, but it has put me off balance. My time was spent finally watching King of the Hill (current S10 E4) or playing Factorio; sometimes both. Factorio recently released a demo, and since it was under my radar, I figured I'd give it a try. What I was not prepared for was over 30 hours of time spent playing it. After that, I bought the game and played it for an additional 48 hours. At the very least, it's a notable pool of inspiration for the retro project.

      Regarding the retro project, I'm thinking about various ways to have a dedicated site for its current progress. Until then.