The Low Bar
2021-02-19 12:00 CST
(Cover not yet created.)

      It's many things; it's a place, it's a standard, but most importantly, it's an animated show. The show is based on real events and people, but altered to cover the various themes that I and the other members of the Sexy Seven experienced in this last half-decade.

      Originally, the show was going to be a collaborative visual ilnterpretation of the various wacky situations we all went through. However, as our group's history became darker, more tragic, and generally more serious, I started to value the human moments more. Due to its new natures, it ended up becoming yet another individually-developed project.

      Despite the fact that this an original idea, unlike the dozen fan games I've mentioned thus far, I'm willing to be more open about the contents of this project. The only likely viewers of this site's content are those that come from FNAF's fandom, so if there's any ideas to protect from certain individuals, it would be those. On top of that, anyone who would try, either stolen or unintentionally similar, won't do this concept proper justice. They'll develop it to be more aliken to this project's original premise (lower-effort meme "comedy" where the user's personas are all desperate to be different and marketable.)

      Instead, this story will be aware of the topics it covers and tries to share it with others. Things like the contradictive idea of everyone making a unique identity based on themselves, the destructive power of the sharing, and other lessons still new to many that casually browse the future. The members of this group will be altered to convey some of these themes even though things didn't go to a certain extent or they weren't the one that did it. This won't be a flanderization where the characters fall into contentless repetition, but instead a thing called "character." The most apparent example of this will be my character, who will only be given the most depth due to the fact that my life is the one I've spent most living.

      This show's story will start with an interactive pilot called "Night at Cri's." After that the only other thing I'm certain of is the show having its own original score.

      Until the retro project's fate is sealed, I cannot be certain about this project's fate.

      Since this project is developed along side Night at Cri's, they have to be reevaluated together.

      On May 19th, 2016, FNAF's reddit community would suffer from a password leak thanks to a breach of Reddit's security. Even my own small community would fall victim to what was merely a simple dox, and the situation would become notable enough for me to want to draw up a comic. The comic sported both my Discord server and the Freddit community, but to visualize the situation, I had to come up with visuals for what Discord and Reddit looked like. Reddit was easier, being like a megamall with small communities inside of it. For Discord, I would make it a bar.

      A simple misunderstanding between a few of the core members would spark an iconic moment for the group. Logan would take some of the elements I added to a character of his without crediting me and Joce would take the law into his own hands. This moment would be referred to as "Jos" court, and would take the unused bar idea and turn into a comic. The comic was never completed, and would remain untapped.

(November 30th, 2017)

      Since I'm at a loss trying to remember anything about this attempt, I'm willing to say there's nothing of note beyond its existence.

(February 8th, 2018)

      These three pages were drawn right after one another in a short period of time. It's fair to call this the closest to any realization of the comic. You can see the first visual ilnstance of the name "Low Bar."

(April 9th, 2018)

      I don't think this was supposed to be a serious comic, but it wasn't a terrible idea. It was likely planned to be a short story surrounding the fictional character, Jos, that actively scribbles over the pages with his crayons. And yes, twice.

(September 24th, 2018)

      Like the rest of these entries, the only time I would ever actually make a comic is when I've given up on planning and decided to attempt improvision. However, every time I'd quit, I'd find that it wasn't well executed and quicky give up. This time, it was something more. It was supposed to be the launch of a new identity and era, though misguided and unprepared.

      The idea of making the comic an animated show wouldn't be seriously suggested for a long time. When Night at Cri's tied this project with it, several considerations had to be made about this show. One being the fact that Cri's would need animated cutscenes, and if we were capable of cutscenes, we'd be capable of a show. More importantly, animated visuals with sound is a lot funnier than still images. But because of this tie, the projects cannot progress independently. And so they haven't.