Vehicle Album
2021-01-27 02:19 CST
(Cover not yet final.)

      When I noticed a theme between my first 3 completed tracks, I thought about sticking to this theme. However, two of the three tracks were technically remixes, with the third being my own. Eventually, that third track was moved to the Low Bar score due to its history. Shortly after, I started a collaboration with a guy who happened to have a train avatar. Another vehicle, another remix. So now I'm considering making it a remix compilatoin. However, since they'd all be remixes, I'm not too sure about making an album of songs that aren't entirely mine. While the term "remix" has become associated with low-effort edits, my remixes would try and bring something new to the track, as they should.

      Something else that makes this album special is that I plan to have animated music videos for each track. Since each track is vehicle themed, the music videos will surround each of these vehicles. For Hydraulic Acid, it's a car cruising down a stylistic street. For Supertanked, it's the super tank from the game the song remixed hauling through a battlefield. For 2 CREDIT(S), it's Trans-Galactic Express' train chugging through the stars. Aside from some minor stuff, all the videos will have the vehicles in the same center-framing to keep it more thematic.

      There are currently three songs with two others in consideration, but only one of the additional two are unique enough to really be included. They're also both by the same artist, which I'm even less comfortable with.

      Since this album is so far down the list, despite being the most developed, it shouldn't be completed for a long time.

      The tracks included have not been touched since their creation. None of these are meant to be any form of a finished product.

Current tracklist (unordered):

Supertanked (Original by Marcus Tyr)

(December 9th, 2018)

Hydraulic Acid (Sample by Taana Gardner)

(January 13th, 2019)

2 CREDIT(S) (Original by VIIbrid, Remix by Inter-Galactic Express, Remix² by VIIbrid)

(December 19th, 2020)